A pioneer in legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber. 德国法律社会学的先驱之一是马克思韦伯。
Max Weber; comparative legal sociology; Chinese legal tradition; many-valued logic. 韦伯;比较法律社会学;中国法律传统;多值逻辑。
Judicatory authority is a concept with rich connotation and deep root, and is an important subject in the field of legal sociology. 司法权威是一个内涵丰富、蕴深厚的概念范畴,是法律社会学研究领域的一个重要课题。
Research Status of China's Legal Sociology And the Diversion to Post-Modernity 中国法社会学研究现状与后现代转向
The thoughts on legal sociology of HBV discrimination 乙肝病毒携带者就业歧视的法社会学思考
However, inspecting with the eye of legal sociology to the law text and interactive behavior between the text and judge should be strengthened in the process of law applying. 但是,在法律运作过程中,宜加强对有限的法律文本以及文本与法官交互行为的法社会学考量。
In the explanation of the theory, the theory for basic legislation rules, legislation skills and financing law are referenced and also theories of legal sociology and legal economicology are included. 其中理论方法主要是运用传统法学中关于立法原理、立法技术和金融法学的理论,以及近年来新兴的法律社会学、法律经济学的某些理论。
The Development of Legal Sociology in China 法律社会学在中国的发展
View of Penalty and Penalty System in Legal Sociology 法社会学视野中的刑罚理念及制度
This article analyzes and probes into the unmarried cohabitation and related legal issues from the angle of legal sociology. 本文就不婚同居及其相关的法律问题进行法律社会学的探讨和分析,认为不婚同居将可能成为一种人类两性关系的新形式,与婚姻形式并行不悖。
From the viewpoint of Legal Sociology, folk law in village community has a special evolution process, restricting to the condition of social economy, politics and culture, as well as associate with the development of national Law. 从法社会学的角度看,乡村社会的民间法有其自身的演化轨迹和嬗变历程。它既受乡村社会经济、政治、文化等条件的制约,又与国家法律的发展息息相关。
Restoring the lawyer to the "person" playing, kinds of roles by using the way of legal sociology is the most essential way to analyse the role of the lawyer. 运用法社会学的方法,将律师还原为社会中扮演不同角色的人,才是分析律师角色的最本质的方法。
The Impact of Legal Sociology on Civil Law of Republic of China 法社会学思想对旧中国民法的影响
Legal sociology is an important part of his sociology. 法律社会学是他的社会学的一个重要组成部分。
Appling the methods of legal philosophy, legal sociology, legal economy and case analysing, the essay made a deep and considerable illustration about the issue of right conflict. 本文运用法哲学、法律社会学和法律经济学的方法,结合个案分析,对权利冲突问题进行深入细致的法理分析。
The Research on the Role of the Lawyer in the View of Legal Sociology 论法社会学视野中的律师角色
A Study on the Issues of Class Action: An Analysis from the perspective of legal sociology 集团诉讼问题研究&一个比较法社会学的分析
The study of the sources of ideological trends in Neo-Kantian Philosophy of law, Marxist Philosophy of Law and legal sociology of Japan's contemporary legal philosophy, will disclose the origins of Japan's contemporary legal philosophy and the relations among them. 通过对当代日本法哲学中的新康德主义法哲学、马克思主义法哲学和法社会学思潮源流的考察,可以揭示出当代日本法哲学三大流派的渊源和相互关系。
Sociological Law or Legal Sociology has a continuous developing history. 社会学法学或者法律社会学具有一部连绵不断的发展历史。
The Consideration of "Take the Law as the Criterion" in Legal Sociology 以法律为准绳的法社会学思考
In the past, the legal sociology excludes the system of rules which makes the pure legal studies in society considered by the traditional views of legal intellectual history in China. 国内法律思想史的传统观点认为,法律社会学排斥规则体系,纯粹在社会中研究法律。
The control of social order often depends on statute law formulated by government and customary regulation followed by folk. And the latter is called folk law in the sense of legal sociology. 对于人类社会秩序的控制,往往是依靠由国家制定颁布的成文法和民间实际遵循的习惯性规则来运行,后者在法社会学意义上称之为民间法。
The legal sociology has the dual-identities that are not only the section of sociology but also the branch of jurisprudence. 法律社会学具有双重身份,它不仅是社会学的组成部分,而且也是法学的一个分支。
Although the induction of history is the basis of the study, the basic research method of this thesis is inevitably the law method, being the first method of the science of civil law, whilst the second is the method of legal sociology. 虽然历史的归纳法是论文研究的基础,但是论文的基本研究方法终究是法学的方法,准确地说首先是民法学的方法,其次是法律社会学的方法。
The theory of "living law" is the method of legal sociology. 活法理论是法律社会学的方法。
Clan law in legal sociology sense develops from Song Dynasty, which is different from patriarchal systems in political sense. 法社会学意义上的宗族法是从两宋以后才发展起来的,它与政治学意义上的宗法制度有所不同。
At the beginning of this part, the author brings forward the standpoint in the whole text that the living law theory is the method of legal sociology. 本部分开篇破题,直接提出本文的立场:活法理论是法律社会学的方法。埃利希反对当时的实用主义法律研究方法,认为法律不同于裁判规范。
Among Fundamental Principles of Legal Sociology, he pours much attention on these basic theses of analyzed legal positivism such as the thesis of legal facts, the judicial rules and the states and laws; finally he induces the legal sociology. 在《法律社会学基本原理》中,埃利希使用很大的篇幅介绍分析实证主义法学的一些基本理论,比如法律事实、裁判规范、国家与法等命题,而最后才引出法律社会学来。
The legal sociology benefits a lot for many social issues with its advantages in legal and sociological theories, that is especially true of the false news phenomenon, which is closely correlated with society. 兼具法学与社会学理论优势的法社会学研究对于众多社会问题的解决大有裨益,尤其是对于虚假新闻此类与社会现实紧密相关的新闻现象更是如此。
These theories include: philosophy, philosophy of law, legal sociology, cultural anthropology, law functionalism and so on. 这些理论视角大致包括:哲学、法哲学、法律社会学、文化人类学、法律功能主义等等。